Blood pressure measurement and management is an integral part of healthcare. Clinicians and facilities know that accuracy, portability, comfort, and simplicity are all-important factors to consider when choosing the right blood pressure equipment. Additionally, regular home blood pressure measurement can alert users to potentially life-threatening conditions and prevent blood pressure conditions from spiraling out of control. The ADC 809N Prosphyg™ pocket aneroid gauge addresses both of these important points. A budget-friendly solution to blood pressure management, Prosphyg™ devices offer all of the vital factors in blood pressure measurement in one compact, lightweight, and economical tool that is used in both professional and home settings.
The 809N features a contemporary black enamel manometer. It meets industry standards and provides day-in, day-out dependability, supported by a 10-year calibration warranty.
This manometer is included in the following sets (all sold separately:
- Prosphyg™ 770 Series pocket aneroid
- Prosphyg™ 775 Series pocket aneroid
- Prosphyg™ 780 Series home blood pressure monitor
- Prosphyg™ 785 Series home blood pressure monitor
- Prosphyg™ 790 Series home blood pressure monitor