TheKIMVENT* 24-Hour Oral Care Q2 Kit isdesigned to assist the practitioner in providing proper oral care and to provide multiple configurations for varying patient needs.
Designed by nurses, for nurses, to help make oral care compliance one less worry. Flexible, easy-to-use system designed with input from direct caregivers to promote routine oral care.
Innovative, patent-pending self-cleaning covered Yankauer makes oral care easier and cleaner. Flexible suction toothbrush has soft, gentle bristles. Procedure packs serve as a sturdy workstation. Portable, no-mess, easy-to-use solution cups serve as a work station.
The Kimvent Oral Care Kit is recognized as critical for preventing VAP by such leading healthcare organizations as the CDC1, and AACN2.
Included is:
Each Q2 Kit Includes:
4 Suction Swab Procedure Packs(including 1 suction swab, 1 applicatorswab, 0.50 fl. oz. (14 mL) of 1.5% H202Oral Debriding Agent, 0.07 oz. (2 g)Mouth Moisturizer)
6 Suction Swab Packs
Alcohol-Free Mouthwash
2 Toothbrush Procedure Packs(including 1 suction toothbrush, 1 applicator swab,0.50 fl. oz. (14 mL) of 0.05% Antiplaque Solution, 0.07 oz. (2 g) Mouth Moisturizer)
2 Suction Catheters

Made in the USA |