CanDo Center-Fold Rest Exercise Mat features ease of storage and portability. It has a softer feel which makes it perfect for most physical activities in fitness centers, gyms, and schools. The mat is covered with a fire-retardant phthalate-free PVC coated vinyl which ensures durability and toughness.
Softer feel
Compared with most mats, this mat offers a softer feel which can withstand both high-impact and low-impact exercises. Its cushion helps prevent injuries without developing marks and tears.
The mat has EnviroSafe foam which means it won't compromise the environment. It's 100% free from toxins, leaching chemicals, and latex. It's resistant to mold and mildew, too.
Choose from the following options:
FEI38-0400: 2' x 4'
FEI38-0402: 2' x 6'
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