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Strength Evaluation

Strength testing is an important element of physical examination that can show various insights on strengths and deficits. It has a great potential to be greatly effective in spotting imbalances or poor endurance. In addition, strength testing is also key to evaluate any suspect of neurological diseases, especially for patients with brain injury, stroke and other neurological issues. Devices such as shoulder abductors, wrist extensors, dynamometers, etc. from industry leaders like Baseline provide premium strength evaluation analytics.

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Tiger#: TM100586 MFR#: 12-0480P
  • Paddle for Baseline Hydraulic 5-Level Pinch Gauge.

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2 - 4 Business Days

List Price:$27.50


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Additional Paddle for Baseline Hydraulic 5-Level Pinch Gauge 12-0480P
Tiger#:  TM100586
MFR#:  12-0480P
  • Paddle for Baseline Hydraulic 5-Level Pinch Gauge.
Ships with in
2 - 4 Business Days


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