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Patient Lift Slings

Patient Lift Slings are used in conjunction with an electric or hydraulic lift to transfer an immobile patient to a bed, chair, wheelchair or commode. Find Sit-to-Stand slings that are created to help patients with slight mobility but who are unable to rise to a standing position from a bed, chair, wheelchair, or commode. We offer a variety of straps and slings in regular and bariatricsizes to make the transition possible. Slings are available with commode cutouts to be used specifically when transferred to a commode. 

Use the customer friendly filters located on the left side of the screen to view full head support slings, bariatric sizes, commode cutout and sit-to-stand slings. Choose a weight capacity range that fits your needs. Slings are also available in a variety of materials, some that are heavy duty and others that are lightweight and fast drying. Select from polyester, nylon, mesh, canvas and cordura.

26 - 40 of 40 Items
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26 - 40 of 40 Items
Tiger#: TM38599 MFR#: R130
  • One standing sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$264.99


You save:$71.57 -27%
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Tiger#: TM38570 MFR#: R134
  • One transport sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$289.69


You save:$81.28 -28%
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Tiger#: TM38517 MFR#: 2483777
  • One Universal High floor lift sling, choice of size and fabric

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$278.46


You save:$22.40 -8%
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Tiger#: TM38538 MFR#: 2485960
  • One Universal High Plus Poly floor lift sling, choice of size 

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$289.17


You save:$25.88 -9%
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Tiger#: TM38554 MFR#: R111
  • One full body mesh sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$248.67


You save:$69.77 -28%
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Tiger#: TM38566 MFR#: R112
  • One full body solid sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$250.62


You save:$70.32 -28%
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Tiger#: TM38559 MFR#: R115
  • One full body mesh sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$256.96


You save:$72.10 -28%
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Tiger#: TM38563 MFR#: R140
  • One heavy duty full body mesh sling, choice of type

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$277.08


You save:$77.74 -28%
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Tiger#: TM38511 MFR#: 2451092
  • One Comfort Poly floor lift sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$267.75


You save:$18.94 -7%
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Tiger#: TM38479 MFR#: 2451102
  • One Easy Fit floor lift sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$300.74


You save:$37.45 -12%
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Tiger#: TM38492 MFR#: 2485554
  • One Comfort Spacer floor lift sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$321.30


You save:$52.21 -16%
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Tiger#: TM38103 MFR#: 2478444
  • One toileting lift sling, choice of size

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14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$406.98


You save:$68.37 -17%
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Tiger#: TM38090 MFR#: 9046
  • One standard patient lift sling, choice of fabric and design

Free Shipping

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$216.02


You save:$60.61 -28%
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Tiger#: TM38039 MFR#: 2485968
  • One Comfort Net floor lift sling, choice of size

Free Shipping

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$256.18


You save:$20.41 -8%
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Tiger#: TM38048 MFR#: R101
  • One divided leg lift sling, choice of size

Free Shipping

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$284.17


You save:$76.75 -27%
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26 - 40 of 40 Items
Standing Sling for Patient Lifts R130
Tiger#:  TM38599
MFR#:  R130
  • One standing sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Transport Sling for Stand Assist Lifts R134
Tiger#:  TM38570
MFR#:  R134
  • One transport sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Premier Universal High Floor Lift Sling 2483777
Tiger#:  TM38517
MFR#:  2483777
  • One Universal High floor lift sling, choice of size and fabric
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Premier Universal High Plus Poly Floor Lift Sling 2485960
Tiger#:  TM38538
MFR#:  2485960
  • One Universal High Plus Poly floor lift sling, choice of size 
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Reliant Full Body Mesh Floor Lift Sling R111
Tiger#:  TM38554
MFR#:  R111
  • One full body mesh sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Reliant Series Solid Fabric Lift Sling R112
Tiger#:  TM38566
MFR#:  R112
  • One full body solid sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Reliant Full Body Mesh Floor Lift Sling with Commode Opening R115
Tiger#:  TM38559
MFR#:  R115
  • One full body mesh sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Reliant Heavy Duty Full Body Mesh Floor Lift Sling R140
Tiger#:  TM38563
MFR#:  R140
  • One heavy duty full body mesh sling, choice of type
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Premier Comfort Poly Floor Lift Sling 2451092
Tiger#:  TM38511
MFR#:  2451092
  • One Comfort Poly floor lift sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Premier Easy Fit Floor Lift Sling 2451102
Tiger#:  TM38479
MFR#:  2451102
  • One Easy Fit floor lift sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Premier Comfort Spacer Floor Lift Sling 2485554
Tiger#:  TM38492
MFR#:  2485554
  • One Comfort Spacer floor lift sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Dress/Toileting Patient Sling with Head Support 2478444
Tiger#:  TM38103
MFR#:  2478444
  • One toileting lift sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Standard Patient Lift Sling 9046
Tiger#:  TM38090
MFR#:  9046
  • One standard patient lift sling, choice of fabric and design
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Premier Comfort Net Floor Lift Sling 2485968
Tiger#:  TM38039
MFR#:  2485968
  • One Comfort Net floor lift sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


Divided Leg Lift Sling with Head Support R101
Tiger#:  TM38048
MFR#:  R101
  • One divided leg lift sling, choice of size
Free Shipping
14 - 21 Business Days


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