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Surgical Drapes

1 - 25 of 76 Items
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1 - 25 of 76 Items
Tiger#: TM87783 MFR#: 90772

ACM Drape, 15 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$618.10


You save:$112.21 -18%
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Tiger#: TM87785 MFR#: 89304

Basic Ophthalmic Drape, 40 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$846.10


You save:$209.93 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87543 MFR#: 89119

BASICS Laparoscopy “T” Drape, 98” x 41” x 99”, Sterile, 19 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$255.41


You save:$71.66 -28%
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Tiger#: TM87640 MFR#: 89583

BASICS Radial Femoral Angiography Drape with Dual Windows, Sterile, 12 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$329.64


You save:$72.11 -22%
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Tiger#: TM87193 MFR#: 79591

BASICS Universal Extremity Drape, 90" x 131", Non-Sterile, 20 per case

Ships with in

2 - 4 Business Days

List Price:$208.97


You save:$58.63 -28%
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Tiger#: TM87546 MFR#: 89191

Universal Extremity Drape, 15 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$314.74


You save:$78.09 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87677 MFR#: 89070

Beach Chair Shoulder Arthroscopy Drape, Sterile, 10 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$461.48


You save:$124.63 -27%
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Tiger#: TM87680 MFR#: 89066

Beach Chair Shoulder Drape with Attachable Fluid Collection Pouch 172" x 100", Sterile, 6 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$433.21


You save:$107.48 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87599 MFR#: 89291

Bilateral Limb Drape, 76" x 120", Sterile, 14 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$348.06


You save:$86.36 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87596 MFR#: 89275

Body Split Drape, 88" x 116", Sterile, 10 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$333.24


You save:$82.67 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87190 MFR#: 79561

Bottom Drape, 76" x 76", Non-Sterile, 20 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$191.58


You save:$53.75 -28%
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Tiger#: TM87553 MFR#: 89471

Brachial Angiography Drape, 44" x 31", Sterile, 50 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$290.23


You save:$81.42 -28%
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Tiger#: TM87186 MFR#: 89236

Breast Drape, 10 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$183.84


You save:$51.58 -28%
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Tiger#: TM22248 MFR#: 89227

89227: Chest Drape, 100" x 72" x 124", 12 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$276.20


You save:$60.42 -22%
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Tiger#: TM87757 MFR#: 89062

Craniotomy Drape with Pouch, 122" x 74" x 134", Sterile, 9 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$505.43


You save:$125.41 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87721 MFR#: 89528

C-Section Fluid Collection Drape II, 100" x 72" x 120", Sterile, 8 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$488.79


You save:$121.28 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87615 MFR#: 89453

CVARTS Bilateral Underleg/ Perineal Drape 84" x 80", Sterile, 14 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$355.49


You save:$88.21 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87643 MFR#: 89454

CVARTS Universal Drape System, Heavy Duty, Sterile, 5 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$407.30


You save:$101.05 -25%
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Tiger#: TM87765 MFR#: 29149

CVC Full Body Drape, 68" x 110", Single Fenestration, Sterile, 20 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$465.06


You save:$101.73 -22%
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Tiger#: TM87334 MFR#: 89548

Cystoscopy "T" Drape, Sterile, 62" x 40" x 100", 16 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$215.49


You save:$58.20 -27%
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Tiger#: TM87892 MFR#: 88618

Cystoscopy Pack IV, 12 per case

Each Pack Includes:

(1) Cystoscopy "T" Drape, 62" x 40" x 100”
(1) Back Table Cover, Zone-Reinforced, 44" x 78”
(1) Absorbent Towel, 15" x 22”
(2) Leggings with 6" Cuff, 31" x 48”

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$263.17


You save:$73.84 -28%
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Tiger#: TM22234 MFR#: 14247
Choice of:
  • 76" x 44", 50/case
  • 60" x 76", 36/case
  • 60" x 76", (non-sterile), 120/case
  • 76" x 100", 20/case
  • 60” x 76”, reverse fold, 40/case
  • 68" x 110", with single fenestration, 20/case
  • 76” x 120”, with 4” x 40” split, 18/case
  • 100" x 72" x 120" C-Section/Abdominal, 7/case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$461.48


You save:$124.63 -27%
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Tiger#: TM87567 MFR#: 89421

EENT Fenestrated Drape, 76" x 90", Sterile, 18 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$206.64


You save:$37.52 -18%
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Tiger#: TM87907 MFR#: 88719

EENT Pack IV, 5 per case

Each Pack includes:

  • (1) EENT Split Drape, 76" x 124”
  • (1) Head Drape, 41" x 32”
  • (1) Surgical Gown with Set-In Sleeve, Towel 
  • (1) Surgical Gown with Set-In Sleeve, Towel
  • (1) Back Table Cover, 44" x 90”
  • (1) Mayo Stand Cover,  23" x 54"
  • (1) Absorbent Towel, 15" x 36”
  • (1) Suture Bag

Ships with in

2 - 4 Business Days

List Price:$259.25


You save:$72.73 -28%
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Tiger#: TM87591 MFR#: 89197

EENT Split Drape, 76" x 124", Sterile, 25 per case

Ships with in

14 - 21 Business Days

List Price:$416.59


You save:$103.37 -25%
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1 - 25 of 76 Items
ACM Drape - 15/cs 90772
Tiger#:  TM87783
MFR#:  90772

ACM Drape, 15 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Basic Ophthalmic Drape, 52" x 56", Sterile - 40/cs 89304
Tiger#:  TM87785
MFR#:  89304

Basic Ophthalmic Drape, 40 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


BASICS Laparoscopy “T" Drape, 98" x 41" x 99", Sterile - 19/cs 89119
Tiger#:  TM87543
MFR#:  89119

BASICS Laparoscopy “T” Drape, 98” x 41” x 99”, Sterile, 19 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


BASICS Radial Femoral Angiography Drape with Dual Windows, 94" x 149", Sterile - 12/cs 89583
Tiger#:  TM87640
MFR#:  89583

BASICS Radial Femoral Angiography Drape with Dual Windows, Sterile, 12 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


BASICS Universal Extremity Drape, 90" x 131", Non-Sterile - 20/cs 79591
Tiger#:  TM87193
MFR#:  79591

BASICS Universal Extremity Drape, 90" x 131", Non-Sterile, 20 per case

Ships with in
2 - 4 Business Days


BASICS Universal Extremity Drape, 90" x 131", Sterile - 15/cs 89191
Tiger#:  TM87546
MFR#:  89191

Universal Extremity Drape, 15 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Beach Chair Shoulder Arthroscopy Drape, 160" x 102", Sterile - 10/cs 89070
Tiger#:  TM87677
MFR#:  89070

Beach Chair Shoulder Arthroscopy Drape, Sterile, 10 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Beach Chair Shoulder Drape with Attachable Fluid Collection Pouch 172" x 100", Sterile - 6/cs 89066
Tiger#:  TM87680
MFR#:  89066

Beach Chair Shoulder Drape with Attachable Fluid Collection Pouch 172" x 100", Sterile, 6 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Bilateral Limb Drape, 76" x 120", Sterile - 14/cs 89291
Tiger#:  TM87599
MFR#:  89291

Bilateral Limb Drape, 76" x 120", Sterile, 14 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Body Split Drape, 88" x 116", Sterile - 10/cs 89275
Tiger#:  TM87596
MFR#:  89275

Body Split Drape, 88" x 116", Sterile, 10 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Bottom Drape, 76" x 76", Non-Sterile - 20/cs 79561
Tiger#:  TM87190
MFR#:  79561

Bottom Drape, 76" x 76", Non-Sterile, 20 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Brachial Angiography Drape, 44" x 31", Sterile - 50/cs 89471
Tiger#:  TM87553
MFR#:  89471

Brachial Angiography Drape, 44" x 31", Sterile, 50 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Breast Drape - 10/cs 89236
Tiger#:  TM87186
MFR#:  89236

Breast Drape, 10 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Chest Drape, 100" x 72" x 124" - 12/cs - Sterile 89227
Tiger#:  TM22248
MFR#:  89227

89227: Chest Drape, 100" x 72" x 124", 12 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Craniotomy Drape with Pouch, 122" x 74" x 134", Sterile - 9/cs 89062
Tiger#:  TM87757
MFR#:  89062

Craniotomy Drape with Pouch, 122" x 74" x 134", Sterile, 9 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


C-Section Fluid Collection Drape II, 100" x 72" x 120", Sterile - 8/cs 89528
Tiger#:  TM87721
MFR#:  89528

C-Section Fluid Collection Drape II, 100" x 72" x 120", Sterile, 8 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


CVARTS Bilateral Underleg/ Perineal Drape 84" x 80", Sterile - 14/cs 89453
Tiger#:  TM87615
MFR#:  89453

CVARTS Bilateral Underleg/ Perineal Drape 84" x 80", Sterile, 14 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


CVARTS Heavy Duty Universal Drape System, Sterile - 5/cs 89454
Tiger#:  TM87643
MFR#:  89454

CVARTS Universal Drape System, Heavy Duty, Sterile, 5 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


CVC Full Body Drape, 68" x 110", Single Fenestration, Sterile - 20/cs 29149
Tiger#:  TM87765
MFR#:  29149

CVC Full Body Drape, 68" x 110", Single Fenestration, Sterile, 20 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Cystoscopy 'T' Drape, 62" x 40" x 100”, Sterile - 16/cs 89548
Tiger#:  TM87334
MFR#:  89548

Cystoscopy "T" Drape, Sterile, 62" x 40" x 100", 16 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Cystoscopy Pack IV - 12/cs 88618
Tiger#:  TM87892
MFR#:  88618

Cystoscopy Pack IV, 12 per case

Each Pack Includes:

(1) Cystoscopy "T" Drape, 62" x 40" x 100”
(1) Back Table Cover, Zone-Reinforced, 44" x 78”
(1) Absorbent Towel, 15" x 22”
(2) Leggings with 6" Cuff, 31" x 48”

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


Drape Sheets 68" x 110" with single fenestration (20/Case). Sterile 14247
Tiger#:  TM22234
MFR#:  14247
Choice of:
  • 76" x 44", 50/case
  • 60" x 76", 36/case
  • 60" x 76", (non-sterile), 120/case
  • 76" x 100", 20/case
  • 60” x 76”, reverse fold, 40/case
  • 68" x 110", with single fenestration, 20/case
  • 76” x 120”, with 4” x 40” split, 18/case
  • 100" x 72" x 120" C-Section/Abdominal, 7/case
Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


EENT Fenestrated Drape, 76" x 90", Sterile - 18/cs 89421
Tiger#:  TM87567
MFR#:  89421

EENT Fenestrated Drape, 76" x 90", Sterile, 18 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


EENT Pack IV - 5/cs 88719
Tiger#:  TM87907
MFR#:  88719

EENT Pack IV, 5 per case

Each Pack includes:

  • (1) EENT Split Drape, 76" x 124”
  • (1) Head Drape, 41" x 32”
  • (1) Surgical Gown with Set-In Sleeve, Towel 
  • (1) Surgical Gown with Set-In Sleeve, Towel
  • (1) Back Table Cover, 44" x 90”
  • (1) Mayo Stand Cover,  23" x 54"
  • (1) Absorbent Towel, 15" x 36”
  • (1) Suture Bag
Ships with in
2 - 4 Business Days


EENT Split Drape, 76" x 124", Sterile - 25/cs 89197
Tiger#:  TM87591
MFR#:  89197

EENT Split Drape, 76" x 124", Sterile, 25 per case

Ships with in
14 - 21 Business Days


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